1.1 Title of the Study:
“The major Problems and limitations of E-marketing in Bangladesh”
1.2 Rationale of the Study:
I want to do this research as a part of my course curriculum of Research Methodology. I am doing major in marketing. So that is why I have selected this topic which has a good relation with my major. I strongly believe that the research will help me a lot for understanding the term E-marketing as well as how can I use the term in real life as a strong marketing tool. If I do the research, it may help the Faculty of Business Administration especially for marketing department. The research will be more effective for the student to understand what is the core opportunity as well as what is the problems and limitation of E-marketing in Bangladesh.
1.3 Statement of the Problems:
➢ Why Bangladeshi people do not so much concern towards e-marketing?
➢ How can use internet as a marketing tool?
➢ What type of internet consumer behavior should be applied?
➢ What are the best ways to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for the ranking the website?
➢ What is the role of government for e-marketing and what should be?
➢ How to conscious the people about e-marketing?
➢ What type of security system should be concerned to be safe from hacker for doing e-marketing?
➢ What should be the effective employee selection process for e-marketing?
1.4 Objectives of the Study:
General Objective:
The primary objective of the study is to identify the main problems and limitations of E-marketing in Bangladesh.
ii. Specific Objectives:
➢ Classify the major obstruction for using E-marketing in business.
➢ Identify the suitable tools and technique for E-marketing.
➢ Describing the ways for influencing the people to use E-marketing strategy.
➢ Finding the tricks which will help the business for competing worldwide.
➢ Making the people understand about the advantage of