The greenhouse effect refers to a fairly recent increase in the temperature of Earth's lower atmosphere (the air we breathe) and the land and water that make up Earth's surface.…
Global warming is the increase of average world temperatures as a result of what is known as the greenhouse effect. Global warming started long before the 'Industrial Revolution'. It began 18,000 years ago as the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age. On average the earth's temperature rises 2c to 6c by the end of the 21 century.There are 20 deadly effects because of gobal warming.First,dieases carring insects are spreading north,so in why malria isn't fully extinguish. Second, the waters are getting warmer so there is going to be more hurricanes.Third, There is going to be more chances of heat waves and droughts.Fourth, there's going to be Economic consequences. For example, if there is a big hurricane, the hurricane damages are going to cost money, so if there is chance of more hurricanes, then there is going to be more damages that cost money. Fifth, the polar ice caps are melting, in which the sea levels are rising, and the polar ice caps are white so in which reclect the sunlight back into to space and cooling the earth.Sixth, there is going to be more floods, which is one of the most dangererous harzards to human settlements.Seventh, There is and are going to be more forest fires. n 2007, more than 3,000 fires brought destruction to Southeastern Europe thanks to a long summer that created arid and parched conditions – a situation that would become normal as a consequence of the greenhouse effect.Eighth, there is going to be more destructive storms. The force of an hurricane has increased 50% in the last 30 years.Nineth, there is going to be more death because of smog.smog-related deaths predicted to rise by “about 4.5 percent from the 1990s to the 2050s,”…
Global Warming is expected to cause more droughts, floods, and climate upsets. Also it can result in disrupting our food production and occasionally lead to famine…
There are a number of definitions of what the “greenhouse effect” means. The first is the “natural” and the other is the “man-made greenhouse effect”. To define both of these terms the “natural” greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm and habitable. The “man-made” greenhouse effect is basically the natural greenhouse effect but with an addition of gases from the fossil fuels that are burning. Greenhouse gases slender the rate that the Earth’s surface loses any infrared radiation to outer space which in turn makes the lower surface’s a lot warmer then usual.…
Greenhouse Effect is the trapping the heat inside the planet’s atmosphere. This occurs due to the gasses that are present in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gasses are Water vapor(H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4) ,Nitrous oxide (N2O), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These gasses are produced by various amounts of human activities.…
First, I am going to start off how it works. The Constitutional Rights Foundation explained how the “greenhouse effect” works: “Radiation from the Sun in short wavelengths easily pass through the Earth 's atmosphere and strike the surface, which reflects much of it back as longer wavelengths” (Global Warming: What Should We Do About It?). “Instead of going back into space, the longer wavelengths are absorbed by gases in the atmosphere.” “The atmosphere reflects back to the Earth 's surface a significant amount of the trapped radiation, which becomes heat.”…
Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect. If it were not for the greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a very cold place. Greenhouse gases are any of the atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation produced by solar warming. They include carbon dioxide…
The Global Warming is an increase of the average temperature of the terrestrial surface, considered as a symptom and a consequence of the climate change. The global warming of the Earth is already a fact that produced, and it will produce, serious consequences in the climate, the atmosphere and the biodiversity: increase of the average temperature of the Earth, decrease of the caps of ice at the Poles, increase of the level of the sea, increase of the desertification, disappearance of flora and fauna in ecosystems, shortage…
Nowadays many ecological and social changes are happening, which affect our planet Earth in a negative way. These changes more or less, are caused by the rise of global temperatures. All of this problems, disorders and pollutions are the products from one of the biggest challenges that we people are facing today that is Global Warming. This serious problem causes the rise of the average temperatures in the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, and it is projected that it will continue unless we people do something about it. Global Warming is happening now, that can be seen through many examples, Oceans are acidifying, Precipitation patterns are changing, Sea ice is melting and other problems that disorder the Earth.…
Global warming is an increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. The Greenhouse Effect is the trapping of the Sun’s warmth in the Earth’s lower atmosphere. There are two main causes of the Greenhouse Effect. The first one is Natural Greenhouse Effect and the second one is Enhanced Greenhouse Effect. Both of these causes contribute to Global Warming.…
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for most people .When the carbon-dioxide level doubles, the temperature will go up by 5 degree Celsius. It would lead to melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea level and there would be dramatic changes in the map of the world. Global warming has been experienced all over the world. In U.S.,average temperatures have been rising because of climate change. As a result, the growing season has lengthened; tree has been sucking more carbon. Global warming is the biggest and most serious problem faced by us today.…
The term global warming does not have a universal definition. It is a term used by many governments, organisations and companies to describe the rise in the average temperature on Earth’s surface. Deborah White says ‘Global warming refers to the increased temperature of Earth’s surface, including land, water and near-surface air’. The atmosphere is made up of various gases, some of these gases are called greenhouse gases. These natural gasses do not cause concern, however, scientists believe that extra greenhouse gasses, that are man-made by burning fossil fuel, is heating up the Earth causing global warming. Scientists believe this is causing glaciers to melt, leading sea levels to rise. Wildlife is struggling to keep up with the rapid climate change and weather conditions are becoming more severe. This is why global warming is also referred to as ‘climate change’. There is predicted to be less rainfall leading to water shortages and crop failures, certain species of animals and plants becoming extinct and the spread of disease due to insects migrating to warming countries to name just a few effects of global warming.…
The advancement of technology has brought many convenience and benefits into our lives. Gone were the days when the older generations are needed to walk hundreds and hundreds of miles just to reach a destination and feel very tired and exhausted in the end. During this modern age, we can reach the destination in a very short time and without much energy wasted too. But as we become more dependent to technology, we often abuse it. The rate of factories and automobile being built has increased drastically throughout the years. This has lead to a very worrying problem that is seriously affecting our planet lately; this problem is known as Global Warming. Global warming as its name states is a global phenomenon with a number of effects that is happening in the global level. (D’Silva 2007). Global warming is poses a great threat to our personal lives and also to our world. More and more problems that are happening around us are mainly because of global warming. Our earth is not the same place anymore compared to decades ago, it is now slowly dying and this is a very serious issue that all of us should pay attention to.…
In the 20th century, the Earth's temperature rose about one degree Fahrenheit, but in the past thirty years it has gone up 3 degrees. (Planet it Peril) These warm temperatures can have dramatic effects on the planet. The polar ice caps will eventually melt, which will flood all low lying areas around the world. Some other effects are that people are dying due to heat, more and worse hurricanes are occurring, and toxic plants, animals, and insects are migrating to places they've never been before. (Adapting to a New Reality) Global warming is an immediate problem that is threatening the…
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that keeps the earth's surface warm. Greenhouse gases trap heat from solar radiation, analogous to the way glass panes trap heat in a greenhouse. Due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, the greenhouse effect has been significantly augmented, causing a rise in the earth's surface temperature. This temperature rise has led to climate change, causing frequent natural disasters. This has generated increasing awareness of the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions through international and domestic initiatives.…