Ryan Byerly
Robert Larkin
Wednesday, February 15, 12
Auguste Comte suggested that some scholars should study the problems of society and to help provide a solution to those problems. People of 1832 said the main problem was that no one knew where they belonged in society. People were suffering from intellectual anarchy because of how their beliefs had changed. Comte said that sociologists should serve as the high priests of the world, and that sociology should take the place of religion.
Herbert Spencer is an English sociologist that believed our society was ruled by laws in the way that the physical world is. His interests were in the understanding of how societies evolve, and believing that societies evolve just as animals do. Spencer believes that society gets better over time, and that social improvement will continue as long as people don’t interfere with the process.
Emile Durkheim believed the significance of studying society and social dynamics to discover what was going on. Durkheim argued that a society filled with selfish individuals would hold together because even those selfish ones need each other to survive. Durkheim believed that because society became more complex, people’s interests, values and beliefs did as well.
Max Weber was intrigued with Tonnies’ ideas, that people act with a variety of motives and that the type of motive makes a difference in what they do. Weber discovered that people living in modern societies were more likely to engage in non-rational behavior. People were less calculating, and less concerned about achieving, they did things simply because if was pleasurable.
Karl Marx believed the most important thing of “society was its primary mode of production and distribution of goods.” He believes that religion existed only to shade the inequalities of the economic system and its classes. He thought once people realize that the economy’s true nature was revealed then there would be no need