Usually, when one’s past problems are pushed away and neglected, they grow in size until they are too much to handle. The two short stories The Swimmer by John Cheever and A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner portrays how a reluctance to accept or let go of one’s past can lead to many problems and difficulties. This is emphasized through the development and actions of the characters, Neddy and Emily, the aspects of southern life and American suburbia, and the irony and structure of the plots. Throughout their lives, Neddy and Emily inevitably experience change despite their attempts to disregard and ignore it. The actions and characteristics of Neddy and Emily illustrate and give insight about their past, their crutches, and the archetypal change they ultimately face. The American suburbia and Southern town that Neddy and Emily reside in directly symbolizes their problems, emphasizes the changes they face, and possible sources that fuel their reluctance to let go of their past. The irony, structure and conflict of the plots illustrates the futility of Neddy and Emily’s reluctance to accept and let go of their past, the overall damage of their problems, and other sources that fuel their problems.
The actions and personality of people can give insight about their life. Firstly, Neddy and Emily’s characteristics and actions illustrate their problems and past. For example, in The Swimmer, after Neddy visits the Halloran’s pool and Mrs. Halloran expresses her condolence towards Neddy’s misfortunes, Neddy says “My misfortunes? (…) I don't know what you mean” (25). The fact that Neddy seems unaware of his problems shows how Neddy is reluctant to accept his past, so much so that it made him lose grip on his life. Similarly, Emily, after her father’s death, becomes secretive and “people hardly [see] her at all” (12). This shows how Emily clings to her past because she spends all her time confined in her house, avoiding the present. Additionally, “when