Project: Client Technology Tracking System
Project Manager: Peter Charles
Created by: Anna Kelly
Last Updated by: Anna Kelly
Date Created: 09/22/2011
Date Last Updated: 09/22/2011
Problem or Opportunity
Causes and Effects
System Objective
System Constraint
1. The current system dose not accurately track configuration information, leading to wasted time for technicians and clients.
1. The papers placed in the three-ring binder are disorganized so the information is never really complete.
2. The three-ring binder paperwork cannot be updated because the word processing document never gets updated.
3. Without updated information at hand we end up spinning our wheels the next time we go out to that client. A couple of clients we may have lost because the clients see us out there not being prepared and complain about the time it takes to fix problems.
1. A searchable database with configuration information is needed.
2. Design the system so it is easy to update.
1. Nixed the idea of having configuration and component information on the Internet for security reasons.
2. Having an intranet application. In our office, it would run on our in-house web server and connect to a master database. In the field we would run in on our laptops with a web server running on the laptop and connecting to a copy of the database.
2. The current system dose not accurately track installed components, leading to wasted and non-billable extra trips to the customer’s place of business.
1. The papers placed in the three-ring binder are disorganized so the information is never really complete.
2. The three-ring binder paperwork cannot be updated because the word processing document never gets updated.
3. Without updated information at hand we end up spinning our wheels the next time we go out to that client.
1. A searchable database with configuration information is needed.
2. Design the system so it is easy to update.
3. For the component tracking, suggest barcode scanning.
1. Nixed the idea of having configuration and component information on the Internet for security reasons.
2. Having an intranet application. In our office, it would run on our in-house web server and connect to a master database. In the field we would run in on our laptops with a web server running on the laptop and connecting to a copy of the database.
3. Scan the barcode when we install the component. Make sure we used barcoding on every piece of equipment.
3. The proposed system could allow clients to enter service requests online, saving receptionist time plus providing more efficiency.
1. Receptionist transfers the call to a consultant or sends an e-mail to consultant. It may be hours before the client gets a response if the consultant is out on an call.
2. The confusion starts when the client calls back and receptionist will transfer them to whoever is available.
3. This is a time waster for both receptionist and consultant.
1. Clients to be able to enter their own requests on the Internet.
2. The techs should be able to enter service requests. Sometimes when we're on-site, clients tell us about other problems.
1. The online service needs Internet security.
4. The proposed system could provide a customer history that would allow for better service.
1. The techs going to know what service requests are assigned to them.
2. Clients should be able to view their own requests and history.
1. All the techs view the open list, and they can take the next one.
2. Techs can view the history for any request from that list of unresolved request.
3. Clients should be able to view their own requests and history.
1. The system to automatically mark a service request as resolved.
2. The service requests part of the system will need security, make sure that only techs can enter work records and new equipment.