There are several problems with American Education. For instance, one problem with American education are standardized tests. Although it …show more content…
One example of a solution to the American Education system is No Child Left Behind. NCLB is a law that provides extra money for poor children that can’t afford school. Because of the Government support schools are required to test more. The government expects good test results, and it holds the school accountable for bad test scores. Schools that don’t demonstrate yearly progress in meeting the NCLB standards are penalized. NCLB has good intentions but poor results. For instance the weaker students tend to dropout of school. The more academics weaker students have at schools, the more stress it puts on those students that are behind. Which results in drop out. NCLB standard also encourages cheating in many ways. Since the NCLB law enforces good test results, schools might have a desire to give the students the answers or eliminate some of the students from taking the test. The American Education system is not preparing students for a 21st century job or college readiness. When people talk about 21st century skills, more often than not they are talking about things like creativity, the ability to work in a group and problem solving. Also when it comes to college readiness of the 1.8 million high school graduates who took the ACT in 2013, only 26 percent reached the college readiness benchmarks in all four subjects. Another 27 percent met two or three of the benchmarks, and 16 percent met just one.We are 35th in mathematics, 18st in reading, and 15th in reading literacy. The US spends an average of $10,000 per student every year overall. In the world we rank