Being cautious and prepared is key for interrogating suspects. The interrogation location should be free from distractions or interruptions. The interrogation room should be well lit and secure. It's important that the officer not ask close ended questions. Asking closed ended questions will lead to short yes or no responses. Asking open ended questions will lead to a broader response and more information will likely come out. Taking notes and recording the interrogation is also key. Although there are many types of interrogation techniques, the officers should discuss the role they will be playing before hand. They can decide which type of interrogation technique will bring out the best results. -WRITTEN AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION-METHODS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT By Harvey Wallace and Cliff Roberson(CHAPTER 9 PAGES 139-145)…
Identify and describe statutory authority and responsibilities of justice system officials, security personnel, and private citizens regarding investigative detention and the…
Next we ask ourselves, what are the procedural steps the officers must perform following the arrest and interview at the police station? The answer to this question is quite simple. The steps required are for the suspect John needs to be “booked” which is where the suspect would be charged. Once he is booked all of his personal belongings would be taken, inventoried, documented, and secured. After all of his belongings…
In the Critical Justice Process series videos I learned a lot about how the process of being arrested works. Before I watched the videos I knew a little bit of the process but not exactly how everything worked. The first video on the process of arrest, I learned from one of the officers was that, “when we take someone into custody we don’t always advise them of their rights unless we need a confession out of them”. I also learned that there’s a few steps for a defendant to get a court date, before this video I thought that when a person is arrested they go and get booked, then see a…
When John Doe was arrested and brought to the police station, then first thing that should be done is to process John Doe or booked. During the booking process the police would document personal information, take photographs, and have John fingerprinted. During the booking process questions are asked, such as, your name, place of birth, birth date, height,…
3. After interviewing the victim of a crime and two witnesses, and examining the crime scene and the physical evidence, you use all of this information as a basis for developing a unifying and internally consistent explanation of the event. You have: C…
Typically there are 9 steps in the booking process, they are: Recording the suspect's name and the crime for which the suspect was arrested, taking a mug shot, taking the suspect's clothing and personal property into police custody, finger printing, conducting a full body search on the suspect, checking for warrants, health screening, eliciting information relevant to incarceration conditions, and DNA sample.…
Within the criminal justice system, there is a process which takes place. “Whether part of a system or a non-system, the agencies of criminal justice must process the cases that come before them” (Schmalleger, 2009, p.14). The process begins with an investigation of the crime that took place and leads to an arrest where the person is taken into custody with his or her rights read. The suspect is booked which includes fingerprinting, pictures, belongings taken, searched, and personal information which is recorded. The suspect must wait in custody until his or her first appearance from a judicial officer, which will inform them of his/her charges, rights, sentencing, and bail if applicable. Suspects who committed a serious crime or they aren’t able to meet the financial demands wait in custody for a preliminary hearing. At a preliminary…
Imagine having a job where you have to examine and analyze bones all the time. That's what forensic anthropologists do. But it's not as easy as it sounds. Forensic anthropology is examination of human skeletal and decomposing remains in a legal setting to establish the identity of unknown individuals to help determine the cause of death. According to paragraph 1 in the article "What is forensic anthropology?" by R.U. Steinberg, forensic anthropologists usually work in crime scenes, political atrocities, and suspicious death. They collect, prepare, and analyze human remains. They identify the cause of death, work with forensic odotologists and testify in court about the victim's identity.…
By Jess Bravin. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Dec 28, 2001. pg. A.18…
In the investigation stage evidence is collected from the scene of the crime. In the warrant stage the judge issues a warrant for the police officer to make an arrest it also covers the police officer from any damages. In the arrest stage an arrest is made to either an adult or a juvenile and they are taken into custody. In the booking stage there are photos taken, fingerprints are taken, and other personal information about the person who was arrested. In the first appearance stage they are notified of the charges, told their rights, given the opportunity to retain a lawyer or have one appointed to them. In the preliminary hearing stage this occurs before a judge, allows the defense to assess the strength of prosecution's case. In the information/indictment stage a formal written accusation is submitted to the court from the prosecutor. In the arraignment stage a hearing before the court having jurisdiction in a criminal case in which the identity of the defendant is established, said defendant is informed of the charges against him or her, the defendant is informed of his/her rights and requested to enter a plea bargain. In the adjudication stage examination of the issues of fact and law for the purpose of reaching a judgement of conviction…
We are taught that the courts and the Supreme Courts, in particular, are charged with interpreting the Constitution and the laws of the Unites States. We are further taught that the law enforcement should accept such interpertations uncritically and without hesitation. Theory and reality differ for at least four reasons, the Supreme Court sometimes makes decisions on excruciantingly detailed matters that have almost no appliciablility to most law enforcement officers most of the time. The…
The American Criminal Justice Process is designed to keep people safe and ensure suspects and criminals are treated in such a way that follows the Constitution accordingly. The federal justice system carries out this process through a list of steps:…
After the initial contact investigators investigate the crime scene. Following the crime that was committed, investigators gather evidence at the scene where possible (Schmalleger 2011 pg.18). Once the investigators gather the evidence, they will conduct a follow up investigation and attempt to reconstruct the sequence of activities (Schmalleger 2011 pg.18). The investigation could take years to complete and involve numerous investigators. At the conclusion of the investigation an arrest can be made and warrants are issued for those suspects who were not apprehended at the scene of the…
After a series of threatening phone calls to the victim, Mr. Helman sent a birthday card laced with ricin to his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend. He admitted to his attempt to one of his co-workers and they informed the police. His trial is November 17, 2014.…