Procedure if a child is lost or goes missing
As a registered child minder I will safely supervise children when we go out on outings or trips and undertake a risk assessment of the area being visited. I will ensure that the children hold hands or onto the buggy at all times. I would also attach a safety bank of each child with emergency contact numbers on. I will teach the children about safety and stranger danger, explaining to them what to do if they do become lost according to their age and development. For example stay where they are, meet at a certain place, look for a shop assistant, security guard or a police officer or if they have a mobile phone to use if to summon help.
In the event of a child becoming separated from me I will take the following steps:
Immediately raise the alarm and enlist the help of those around me.
Search for the child in the immediate area ensuring other children in my care are also safe and reassured.
If it is a secure area such as shopping centre then I will immediately alert the security department and ask them to seal exits and check CCTV or park I will also alert staff and security staff giving a detailed description of the child .
If within 10 minutes the child has not been found I will notify the police and provide a detailed description.
I will then contact the parents/carers as to what has happened.
I will also notify Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). They can be contacted at:
Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)
Welsh Government office
Rhydycar Business Park
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1UZ
Telephone: 0300 7900 126
Childminders Name
Childminders Signature
Parent(s) Name
Parent(s) Signature