Submitted To: Ms. Lisa G.
Class: English 110-13 Date: 18th November 2014
How to Escape From Reality
Are you tired of doing the same routine over and over every day? Are you in dire need of much needed escape from your boring every day schedule? Or are you just simply tired of seeing the same faces day after day for hours on end? Do you need a solution for your feeling of captivity, a solution that can solve your problem of being bored and exhausted. A solution for your problem can be a well planned vacation with friends. Whether it’s escaping from your daily agenda or wanting to go on an unforgettable adventure, a quick vacation can be the best solution for a much deserved break. However, you cannot just pack your bags and expect everything to be booked for you. If you want an unforgettable vacation, gather some friends who are willing to go with you and plan ahead.
The first step to planning a vacation is to gather a group of friends that will accompany you. Choose wisely. You wouldn’t want to have a friend that will be complain about the decisions your group will be making. Once you have gathered your friends, you can talk about destination ideas and travel dates. Avoid the use of long email threads and one-on-one phone calls. Have everybody together so that everyone's ideas and voices can be heard.
Once everyone has agreed on the big picture, you must asses everyone’s budget. It may be awkward to ask your friend to disclose his private financial information, but encourage your pals to be open so the group can set realistic expectations for the trip. You should persuade your friends to put a set amount of money on a side every so that the cost of the trip won’t become a burden to everybody at the very last minute.
Secondly, divvy up responsibilities among the group. Have each person take charge of a different travel duty. For instance, one friend can research hotels and other accommodations while another can check on transport, e.g. coach,