restrictions as illegal with the international law. In 1809, the United Sates Congress cancelled Thomas Jefferson’s Embargo Act. By restricting trade this had the biggest effect on Americans. This replaced the Non-Intercourse Act, banning trade with Britain and France. Not long after it was also considered ineffective, and in turn was interchanged with a May 1810 bill. This bill stated that if either control declined trade limitations against the United States, Congress would in return continue non-intercourse with the contrasting power. When Napoleon hinted he would stop restraints, all trade was hindered with Britain by President James Madison. Of all the causes for the war of 1812, the capturing of American sailors into the Royal Navy was the most significant for many American.
The British practice of operating naval ships with “busy” men, who were convincingly placed into service, was very common. Under the British rule, during war the navy had the right to pick up people through the Streets of Great Britain, arresting men and playing them in their Royal Navy. Americans believed that this time that the act of impressment was as a deliberate and dastardly, committed against innocent men. Impressment fueled barbarity, infuriating Congress into governmental action and rising ambassadorial pressures with Britain. The American’s responded equally to impressment against the British and seized gullible seamen to serve aboard the American fighting
ships. American expansion into the Northwest Territory was being blocked by native leaders for example Tecumseh, who were supplied and fortified by the British. Americans on the western frontline commanded that obstruction be stopped. However, the primary goal for the war for the British was to defend their North American colonies. They also wanted to set up a unbiased Native American buffer state in the United States Midwest that would obstruct United Stated growth in the Old Northwest and to lessen American trade with Napoleonic France that Britain was hindering.
The results of the war was that neither Britain or America gained or lost territory. However, the war had many results which included the creation of the Canadian border, the finish of British effect amongst the northwest Indians, and the end of the Federalist Party because of the anti-war stance. The War of 1812 was very important to the United States. Firstly, it demolished the Indians’ power to fight American expansion east of the Mississippi, it made permissible for the United States to redraft its boundries with Spain and set power over the lower Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexivo and the Federalist party never recouped from its disagreement to thr war.