Riordan Manufacturing’s strategic plan to strengthen the Riordan brand and gain market shares requires an evaluation of the company’s Total Quality Management (TQM) system and to improve all processes that is not working efficiently. The company has tasked this team of managers and employees to evaluate and make recommendations to improve the systems, policies, and processes currently used by the company. This paper will identify the process that is the least efficient, examine the data, and outline recommendations to improve the process.
To identify the least efficient process this team created a Pareto chart. “The Pareto chart is usually thought of as a problem identification tool, and it is. Once used to identify the potential causes of a problem, it can also report the progress of the corrective efforts.” (Hamilton, 2002,1). The Pareto chart revealed a problem in the manufacturing of plastic bottles used for water distribution. The team then did further analysis of the process to create the bottle and the quality control system designed to remove defects from the bottle. The analysis revealed that quality control system was operating at 98% efficiency, which indicated those defects are being injected into the system during manufacturing (Burrill & Ledolter, 1999). This team has identified the manufacturing process as the system not working efficiently and in need of the most improvement. The team will collect data on the systems and polices used by the workforce, as well as maintenances and calibration of the machines used in the manufacturing process.
Riordan Manufacturing and all employees are proactive in our efforts to increase the manufacturing of only quality products and the Pareto chart will reveal problem areas and show were improvements should be made.
The goals of our company are to increase operations to make the products as efficient as possible in all that we
References: Burrill, C. W. & Ledolter, J. (1999). .Achieving Quality through Continual Improvement. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved November 29, 2008, from University of Phoenix e-source. Clark, D. (1998). Continuous Process Improvement. Retrieved November 30, 2008 Hamilton, B. P. (2002, November). Using the cumulative line. American Society for Quality, 35(11), 104. Retrieved November 29, 2008, from University of Phoenix e-source Hudgik, Steve (2008) Kaizen Is… Retrieved November 30, 2008 Riordan Manufacturing (2006). Riordan Manufacturing Retrieved November 30,2008 University of Phoenix e-Source.