➢ The word communication has its root in the Latin word “communicare”, which means ‘to share’ & this sharing is of information, knowledge &thoughts.
➢ For these kind of sharing, two parties, the sender and the receiver is required, without which communication is not possible.
➢ However, it is not sufficient to have two parties; there should also be co-operation & understanding between them.
➢ They should have a mutual accepted code of signals making up a common language.
➢ Thus, communication can be defined as the exchange of information, ideas & knowledge between the sender & the receiver through an accepted code of symbols.
➢ It is termed effective only when the receiver receives the message intended by the sender in the same perspective.
➢ Otherwise, it is a miscommunication.
The above definition represents the literal meaning of communication. But there are various meanings of communication depending on various people.
Some of the definitions are stated as follows_
“Communication is the process by which the information is transmitted between the individuals or organizations, so that an understanding response results.”
-Peter Little
“Communication is a process of passing information & understanding from one person to another.”
-Keith Davis
“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.”
-W. H. Newman
-C. F. Summer Jr.
“Communication is any means, by which thought is transferred from one person to another.”
-Chappell & Read
“Communication is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to create an understanding in the minds of another. It involves a systematic & a continuous process of telling, listening & understanding.” -Allen Louis
This process & the definition of this Communication Cycle would be much clearer through the