Blekinge Institute of Technology Department of Business Administration
Bachelor Thesis, June 2003
Authors: Marcus Behrens Jakob Waldemarsson
Tutor: Wayne Strong
Since January we have been thinking and writing on our bachelor thesis, which is the final course before examination. During this period we have learned about the complexity of product development, and the complexity of writing a thesis on the subject.
We would like to thank our tutor Wayne Strong for his enormous support and patience. We would also like to thank Jan Blomberg for arranging the interviews at Findus, and Bengt Löfstedt at C Technologies for participating.
……………………………….. ……………………………….. Marcus Behrens Jakob Waldemarsson
Ronneby, June 6th 2003
Title: Processes and Activities to Reduce New Product Failure
Authors: Marcus Behrens Jakob Waldemarsson
Tutor: Wayne Strong
Problem: New product development is an imperative for a company’s survival. Depending on the definition of failure 80-95 % of all new products fail. Extensive research has been carried out in purpose of reducing new product failure rates, but in general the failure rates have not decreased.
This thesis is focusing on the new product development process, and which activities companies should undertake to reduce their new product failure rates.
Purpose: We intend to compare product development methods and theories with the practice at companies, and investigate whether formal product development processes and failure rates are connected.
Methodology: We have chosen to carry out case studies at Findus and C Technologies. The empirical data was gathered through interviews with key staff.
Conclusions: From our empirical data we cannot find a direct connection between usage of formal new product development processes and reduced failure rates. However we believe that without a formal new product development process the failure rates would be even higher.
References: Hall, United Kingdom, 1995 Hussey, David, The Innovation Challenge, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Baffins Lane, Chichester, Bachelor Thesis: Processes and Activities to Reduce Marcus Behrens New Product Failure Jakob Waldemarsson Iansiti, M, Kosnik, T 7.3. Other Sources Annual Report, Anoto, 2002 Berggren, Eric, RE: Regarding your article: Why good ideas go bust, 9 May 2003 Information brochure, Findus, 2003 7.4