What is procrastination?
The word procrastination comes from two Latin terms meaning to put forward until tomorrow. Standard dictionary definitions all include the idea of postponement or delay. Procrastination is rarely judged to be a positive thing. No person likes the idea that something has to be put on delay, they want it as soon as possible. Imagine if someone was told a riddle, but never told them the reason behind it. All that person would want to know was the reason behind the riddle, and that, gets their mind racing and, causes stress. The person to delay a task, also endures such stress. At the time to delay the tasks seem like the best option, but actually is far from it. Whether the significance of the task is great or small, the guilt that is there from you having to forget about it is there. The thought that all is being done is prolonging the completion of the task, is intense, and leads to stress.
There are different forms of procrastination. This distinguishes between people who tend to put things off and those who described as “chronic” or “real” procrastinators: , 80% of society procrastinate, but 20% are procrastinators. The 20% who are real procrastinators, where this is their lifestyle; need therapy. There are three main types of procrastinators, based on the reason they put things off: (1) arousal types get a thrill from beating