Unit 1Product Design : Product specifications, concept development, configuration design involving synthesis, analysis and optimization, Detailed design, Presentation of design, Oral and Visual presentations, various types of models used in product design, Design through creative routes, Adaptive and variant design, Concurrent Engineering theory.
Unit 2Product Lifecycle Management definitions, Product data management, Evolution of PLM, Pre-requisites for PLM, PLM benefits, PLM implementation methods, Product Lifecycle Engineering: Design for X, Components of DFX.
Unit 3Design for manufacturing and Design for assembly, Role of Aesthetics and Ergonomics in design, Robust Design using Taguchi methods, Reliability based design, Modular versus integral design, Design for environment (DFE), Life cycle assessment (LCA), Steps of LCA, Determining system boundaries, Life Cycle Inventory compilation, Common LCA methods and their impact categories, Applying DFE through LCA, Case studies.
Unit 4Value analysis: scope, techniques and job plan, Standardization, Renard series, Simplification versus Variety in products, Patents, copyright and Intellectual Property Rights.
Unit 5Marketing Management: Philosophies of Marketing, Market and Product strategies, BCG matrix, Portfolio management, New Product development strategy. Marketing channels, Pricing strategies and Promotional strategies, Consumer behavior, Sales Management, Planning of sales, Sales skills, evaluation and promotion, Advertising methods, preparation of advertising briefs.
References: 1. John Stark; Product Life Cycle Management: Paradigm for 21st Century; Springer-Verlag. 2. Grieves Michael, Product Life Cycle Management, McGraw Hill. 3. Chitale A. K. and Gupta R. C.; Product Design and Manufacturing, PHI. 4. Gupta V., Lal G.K. and Reddy; Fundamentals of Design and manufacturing; Narosa
References: 1. Davis and Olson, MIS, TMH 2. James O’ Brian, MIS, TMH 3. Oz, MIS, Cengage 4. Business Process Re-Engineering, Jayaraman, TMH. 5. ERP by V.K. Garg, PHI 6. ERP by Alex Leon. 7. ERP, Monk, Cengage (Thomson) 8. Manuals of SAPP, MFG-pro