1.0 INTRODUCTION The introduction will contain a brief background on the chosen research topic, problem statement upon which the research questions have being built. It will further give an insight into the scope, objectives, purpose and significance of the research. 1.1 BACKGROUND
Rotfeld (2006), suggested that avoidance of mass media advertising has become easier for target audience as it is considered to be time for breaks such as; snacks time, refreshing time, toilet and other activities. Invention of technologies in recent years have also worsened and deepened the difficulty in reaching audiences appropriately; this is due to increased level of noise throughout the communication process. (Kotler, et al. 2005) explained noise as the element which is usually unplanned static or distortion to communication process; furthermore it prevents audience from reception of message being passed. This situation presents an appearance that suggests that mass media advertising might be a wrong choice for its sponsors. In support of this, Gupta, Balasubramanian, and Klassen (2000), explained that these circumstances encourage sponsors to explore alternative media or non-traditional communication strategies in advertising.
As a result of noise, recent practices have seen sponsors adopt alternative advertising media style of communication in their integrated marketing plan. Sponsors are found to pay heavily in adopting these alternatives particularly in the area of incorporating their messages into leisure entertainment and using it as a communication media.
In adopting leisure entertainment; product placement, sponsorship of TV shows, and sports sponsorship are few techniques used by sponsors to communicate their message to the audience. In view of the growing challenges in the planning of mass media advertising and
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