Natasha Martinez
March 15, 2015
Ann Fairchild
Product Remarketing Activity
During the first week of this course, I was asked to identify a few advertised products as well as who the target audience was for that product. This week, I will be choosing one of the products that was initially targeted for audiences in their mid-thirties. The product is well known throughout the health care world and is known as vitamins and supplements. Considering the vast amount of vitamins and supplements that are on pharmacy shelves today, the one that I am going to address is ‘Bone and Joint Strengtheners.’
This vitamin helps strengthen an individual’s bone density. A physician would suggest that their patient’s take this vitamin once they turn 35 years of age because, according to U. S. Health News, an individual’s bone density is strongest between the ages of 25 and 35. With this being said, yes, the primary audience would be for those 35 years of age and older. However, this vitamin can do extreme wonders in young athletes that push themselves to their limits daily. My new target audience are the young adults (ages 18 – 35) that are living active lifestyles.
Media Style
Social media marketing is a big ‘hit’ with the younger generations more-so than television. Young adults are almost constantly using their cell phones to gaze at their social media sites and get the latest information and styles. This is where an advertisement regarding the bone and joint strengthener comes in. This targeted age group like things that grab their attention, anything from a silly quote to an intriguing remark. Attention grabbers can have an informational comment, something along the lines of ‘Assists your health while at the gym.’ This can catch an athlete’s attention and once they see it, it will spread like wildfire.
Attention Grabbers
Having a product spread through gossip (which originated on a social media site) can help an organization get customers and known throughout the younger generations. Not only is the ‘catch phrase’ important, but the body of the article must have intriguing facts about how this product can assist an athlete, in his/her prime, with their goals as an athlete. The article has to appeal to the audience and give them a reason to buy the product. For instance, the article can explain how this vitamin can help the young athlete. Anything from healing faster (after a severe sprain or fracture) to having a better immunity to bone breakages.
Key Terms
Some key terms that would grab the attention of the targeted audience can range from ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Tough’ to ‘Get back out there.’ The terms (and the phrase) can not only get the potential clients attention, but it can also attract their friends that did not see the advertisement through the one individual. These terms tell the targeted audience that this vitamin can be extremely helpful to athletes, and maybe even to another potential audience that suffers from an illness that affects their bones and/or joints.
Potential Responses
Some responses can range from a senior high school student telling all of their friends about this new vitamin that can help an athlete with the bone and joint health or this advertisement can (like many) have an adverse response where the targeted audience thinks that this product is a fake. The product has to start off (make its appearance targeting this audience) with a strategy that will not only catch the audiences’ attention, but it has to leave them wanting more information on the vitamin. Having the advertisement read that it is to help one’s bones and joints is not enough, they have to take it a step further and explain how much faster recovery time would be (if an injury were to occur to a potential consumer) and how your bones and joints would be able to take on a larger impact if this vitamin were used for a period of time prior to an important event where more was needed from the consumer (more physical activity required at a particular time).
My Opinion
My opinion regarding this product was that once I aged into this age group that is required to take this vitamin, I most definitely would. My views and opinions would not have a drastic change. If anything, I would decide to take this vitamin at an earlier age considering I live an active lifestyle that consists of sports and responsibilities. This new advertisement idea would make me want to try this vitamin sooner rather than later.
A different marketing plan would benefit this advertiser and many more potential consumers. The current advertisement for this product only specifies that it can help the bones and joints of those that are of a certain age and higher. However, the potential, younger, targets can be assisted by this vitamin as well. Those that are currently over-using their joints and bones can benefit by using this vitamin sooner rather than later. Choosing the right advertising logo can mean the difference in the company’s profit.
The Guardian (2012) The Future of Marketing According to Youth: What 16 – 24sWant From Brands. Retrieved from
U.S. Health News (2015) Bone and Joint Strengthener. Retrieved from
References: The Guardian (2012) The Future of Marketing According to Youth: What 16 – 24sWant From Brands. Retrieved from U.S. Health News (2015) Bone and Joint Strengthener. Retrieved from