Productivity is about the effective and efficient use of all resources. Resources include time, people, knowledge, information, finance, equipment, space, energy, materials.
For the country:
Productivity enables the government to do more for the people and the economy:
Ugrading the infrastructure
Cleaning up the environment
Providing more and better social services
Providing better care for the poor, disabled and others. For organisations:
Creating employment and advancement opportunities
Investing in advanced technology
Providing better pay and working environments for employees
Increasing contributions to society with a higher tax quantum
Enhancing support for social causes
For individuals:
Job security
Better opportunities
Better wages
Greater social mobility
Better quality of life
Do not waste scarce resources
Fix leaking taps
Turn off lights
Productivity can never be left to chance
Plan your day
Capitalism and productivity works hand in hand. Look at the distant cousin of communism who abandoned productivity; indirectly discarded away the principle, fundamental patience of value creation, and socially accountable to individual & organization.
However, capitalism in modern context of quarterly ROI has been eroded to personal greeds in the not so recent financial melt down in finance sectors and countries at large. By reflecting the short history of productivity and the future of value-added society activities , from sweat shop era to intellectual properties/ services era, we see the relevance to the vitality of Capitalism in many years to come.
5S is workplace organization methodology developed in Japan and primarily used in Lean manufacturing. The name comes from a list of five Japanese words starting with the letter “S”.
Seiri – Sorting.
Seiton – Set everything in order.
Seisi – Shining or cleaning.
Seiketsu – Standardize.
Shitsuke –
References: http://www.turnaroundsoluti