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If you're a professional athlete then is it wrong to share your opinion? Some say that professional athletes are supposed to keep their political views to themselves. Professional athletes are still human and therefore are entitled to their own opinion and to sharing it. There is a fear that since they are so influential that people will blindly follow their beliefs. This is true yet we can’t pin that on the athletes. Those who choose to not do their research before choosing a side on any argument would really be the ones to blame.
Throughout the years athletes have exercised their first amendment right just like other human all across America. For example, Kaepernick, Carmelo Anthony, LeBron James, …show more content…
“ San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, may change that.”( Article 2 Matthew) However, when you’re watching sports do the world's problems ever really disappear? Of course not! We can’t blame Colin Kaepernick or any other athlete for the problems in the world. Yet we can thank them for informing us on the problems of world and how they feel about them.
Is it wrong to share your opinion just because you're an athlete? Since you’re an American citizen are you still entitled the freedom to your opinion? Is being in the public eye a good enough reason to suppress your true beliefs? If it were you wouldn’t you still share your opinion? Instead of hating on athletes for having opinions remember they are human just like you. Maybe even follow their example and share yours peacefully. After all, isn't that the freedom our ancestors fought for? Might as well use