Glaceau VitaminWater
Glaceau VitaminWater Mellow
Section 1 – PIC
More companies are starting to infuse their water with vitamins and electrolytes. Glaceau Vitamin Water is a new product that is starting to become more popular. It is similar to Gatorade because it does contain plenty of electrolytes, but it does not contain high fructose corn syrup, and Gatorade does. My new product idea will be Mellow an addition to Glaceau Vitamin Water’s product line. Mellow featured ingredients will be L-theanine and Melatonin. L-theanine is a natural relaxant found in green tea which reduces stress, improves the quality of sleep, diminishes normal symptoms of PMS, heightens mental acuity …show more content…
VitaminWater’s impressive marketing uses light hearted sarcasm and humor to describe our products in order to make a relationship with the customer. Glaceau VitaminWater currently uses Facebook as our official promotional site as well as YouTube. Glaceau VitaminWater uses Cost- Based pricing. We set the price of our beverages based on the costs for production, distribution, and the cost of selling. VitaminWater is fairly priced $1.89 for a 20 oz bottle. (Net …show more content…
|Results of operations |Brand dilution |
|Strong existing distribution channels |Entrance into difficult non-core categories |
| |Saturation of enhanced drink segment |
|Opportunities |Threats |
|New product introductions |Strong competition |
|Brand is attractive to global partners |Potential health issues |
| |Free trade |
| | | |
| |Start Date |End Date |
|Pre-Launch Plan | |