0.0 PDP planning section
0.1 Professional development plan
0.2 Professional development action plan
1.0 professional development progress towards target section 2
1.1 Introduction
2.0 Skill of approach to problem situations
3.0 Skill of evaluating relevant points
4.0 Skill of time management
5.0 Skill of identifying problems
6.0 Skill of verbal communication
7.0 Skill of influencing peers
8.0 Skill of planning work
9.0 Appendixes
(0.0)PDP planning section 1
My role within the workplace
My primary role within the organization is as a shop assistant at Asda there are lots of various roles that require core skills to be able to do fulfil the job sufficiently. I have other side roles within my occupation other than my primary role as our organization operates a job enlargement system of human resource management so therefore I am trained on other areas of the organization aside of my primary job description. The skills I already process will be highlighted in the following SWOT analysis, it will also highlight areas that I have discovered that are of weakness currently also
Identifying a problem
The problem I have identified was a problem at work that occurred …show more content…
This was to try and create a policy to fairly rationale the overtime that is available at my workplace of ASDA living at Cortonwood, Barnsley. The importance of reflection in this account cannot be underwritten, and the whole aim of this account is to show my reflection on my skills set and how I have developed my skills, and how other skills still require some development in order to move my professional development foreword. I highlighted seven skills which need addressing in order to fulfil my further professional