Courteous, reliable, ethical and honest.
Ability to adapt to a new environment.
Outstanding written and oral skills.
Ability to function under pressure.
Approachable young lady, good with dealing with people and resolving problems.
Excel both team and independent tasks.
Persistent, assertive and motivated to meet set deadlines and goals.
Good organizational and decision making skills. My weaknesses and my intentions of handling them
I had poor time management skills however after working with Lions club international Club in the national vaccination campaign, I developed exceptional time skills .I also now use a to do list on my tablet which ensures that all my priorities are addressed …show more content…
Employment History
Udine Pharmacy, Zimbabwe
Start date: March 2014
End date: July 2014
Position: Administrative assistant
• Direct assistant to accounts book keeper.
• Monitoring transfer of stock into and out of the store in an affective and timely manner using the appropriate systems and processes.
• Monitor, manage all admin paperwork including ensuring paperwork required by head office departments is sent as appropriate.
• Maintenance of all accounting records and files.
• Preparing checks and other paperwork for signing by company signatories.
• Assisting with banking and control of casual …show more content…
• Remarkable time management skills through interning for World vision South Africa expected task deadlines for completion.
• Excellent team player through sporting experience at school, club province and national level as well as multiple group tasks at Monash University.
• Outstanding and sound leadership qualities obtained throughout my high school achievements, volunteering sessions at student clubs at Monash and Leo programmes with Lions Club International.
• Resilience and self-awareness throughout my work experience in different national settings, both Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Skill Summary
First Aid-Intermediate
French delf diploma