one should only wear expensive clothes. But wearing one’s best professional attire to work is expected. If you are serious about your career then you need to take personal grooming a little more seriously.
Where I have found slack in personal grooming, I have also found a slack in self confidence. When people take their appearance and their grooming seriously, it shows up in their attitude, and reflects in the way they talk and the way they think about their goals.
Don’t let your designation decide your dressing for you; let your grooming be led by your vision. Put your best foot forward in everything you do, including your appearance.
freshers are new for professional world they dont know the imp of grooming
Personal grooming is very important. To be able to function and fit in in today’s society, you must make sure your personal grooming is up to standard. Job opportunities, relationship possibilities, and invitations to parties and other social events are all inextricably linked to how you present yourself to the world. Grooming is simply one of those things that there is no excuse not to take time and effort with.
The poll has shown that looking good in the workplace may be the key to career advancement, with 78.6 per cent of respondents believing there is a correlation between being well-groomed and growing professionally.
Good personal grooming and style shows an interest in the position (as stated by 27.5 per cent), as well as being demonstrative of good character
“Quite clearly, personal appearance is of importance to many employers and employees in the region. It would seem to have a major influence