By Louis Stoll , 2006
As per my goal setting on this paper are to learn what are meant by PLC and CoP as well as and become a good leader in today’s education.
Professional Learning Community (PLC) is “an inclusive and mutually supportive group of people with collaborative, reflective, and growth-oriented approach towards investigating and learning more about their practice in order to improve pupils’ learning" (Stoll, p. 104).
Professional refers to a specialized knowledge base aims to enhance teachers’ effectiveness as professional with the purpose of improving students learning, progress and achievement.
Learning refers to both collaborative and collective learning.
Collaborative learning - in and …show more content…
(2006) states that an effective professional learning community (EPLC) can be created, develop, and sustain when schools (communities)
Optimizing resources and structures to promote the PLC
Promoting professional learning
Evaluating and sustaining the PLC
Leading and managing to promote PLC development
The prime influence of developing a PLC are the context and the setting. The PLC can be judged through the three following criteria:
The impact on students learning over an extended period of time
The impact on staff’s morale and practice
The extent to which the PLC’s characteristics and processes are able to develop and sustain over time
Reflecting on how to support learning community, the community of learners harness the Web 2.0 in their interactions. Lewis, Pea, and Rosen (2010) propose that to foster an effective 'generative learning communities' the learners should engage the potential learning media application 'Mobltz-mobile media blitz'. This application is still away from the context of Timor-Leste, however, it can be effectively developed on the ground of each 'context and setting'. Jenkins (2009) asserts that at the first time people see each other's world was not due to technological success alone but the frameworks of "participation" and