Business networking is a way to expand a person’s knowledge, learn from the success of others and build a network of professional connections that may open doors to gain experience from influential and professional people. Creating relationships with people of like-minded individuals create opportunities that would not otherwise be available. Activating a career network can paint a picture of yourself of what your experiences are and what you bring to the table. Networking allows a person to stay up to date in their career fields, training resources and other tips that relate to their career field. Sometimes it is not what you know, but who you know. Over the course of this paper the writer will give a detailed networking profile that will include a Summary, Previous Work Experience, Certifications and education.
Professional Brand …show more content…
Branding is basic. Branding is essential. Building brands builds incredible value for companies and corporations.” (Goodson, 2012) Creating a solid professional brand is like creating a marketing campaign to create a major brand for a food or hotel chain. Marketing ones’ professional self is what matters to a potential employer, networking contact, or anyone who can help you find a job or grow your career. Over the next year the writer will be obtaining their bachelor’s degree which will help with becoming more marketable. More recently, the writer has been invited to attend a SHRM meeting and to start the application process to get certified for. “SHRM is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 225,000 individual members, the Society’s mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most essential and comprehensive resources available.” (2017) To develop a professional brand it is important to showcase the professionals’ talents to show things they are involved in and give a sense of where they are wanting to