College of Nursing
Block 1.0 Introduction to Professional Nursing
Review the Critical Thinking Challenge.
Professions usually evolve from occupations that originally consisted of tasks but developed more specialized educational pathways and publicly legitimized status.
Occupation: What occupies, or engages one’s time; business; employment.
Vocation: An activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood.
Profession: A calling, vocation, or form of employment that provides a needed service to society and possesses characteristics of expertise, autonomy, long academic preparation, commitment, and responsibility.
Occupation, practice, or vocation requiring mastery of a complex set of knowledge and skills through formal education and/or practical experience. Every organized profession (accounting, law, medicine, etc.) is governed by its respective professional body.
An occupational group with a set of attitudes or behaviors or both.
The primary differences between and occupation and profession are the preparation and commitment of its members. Review readings
Educational/Professional Preparation * Takes place in a college or university setting * Prolonged preparation to include instruction in the specialized body of knowledge and techniques of the profession. * Orientation to the values, beliefs, and attitudes expected of the members of the profession to include standards and ethical considerations (socialization). * Teaching the core competencies (IOM for all health professionals)
Provide patient-centered care
Work in interdisciplinary teams
Employ evidence-based practice
Apply quality improvement principles
Utilized informatics
Professional Commitment * Commitment transcends material reward * Professionals derive much of their personal identification from their work and consider it an integral part of