Business travelers who want to minimize jet lags, mothers who wants to spend time for themselves, persons with back problems seeking for relief, weekend warriors who are sore from overexertion, an obese man who needs help in controlling his weight, or a couple who wants to reconnect, all come to one place to seek help, the spa.
Today’s spa is a center for healing and nourishing mind, body, and spirit. People go to spas for fitness, stress management, peace of mind, pampering and pleasure, and health and wellness. Spas are everywhere. According to the International Spa Association (ISPA), the number of spas in the United States grew at an annual rate of 21% from 1995-1999 and continues to show strong growth. The size of the U.S. spa industry in 2001 was estimated at 9,632 locations; in 2000, that number was 5,689. (Register, 2008).
Here in the Philippines, the demand for spa services continues to grow. According to Libarios (2006), as more and more people pine for inner-healing-this and alternative-lifestyle-that, the market for spas and wellness centers has ballooned over recent years. These so-called health-hubs sprouted in the metro like wild mushrooms in the forest—from the most exclusive centers that cater only to society’s well-heeled set down to the modest hole-in-the-wall that offer services at affordable rates. Libarios further adds that even the Department of Tourism (DOT) has sunk its teeth into the trend. Sensing that the demand for spas is not a novelty that would later die a sudden death, it took the initiative to transform the Philippines into the “sparadise” of Asia. Despite the noticeable dip in the economy, the demand for spas has shown no signs of slowing down.
The demand for spa services is driven by personal income and demographic trends. The profitability of individual companies depends on efficient resource use and effective marketing. That is why the profile of spa customers is very essential.
This study is
References: Online Articles eHow Fashion, Style & Personal Care Editor; How to Get the Best from a Spa (N.D); Retrieved last April 1, 2009 at English.Chosun Website; Spa Boom Gives Rise to New Niche Markets (January 2007), Retrieved last March 15, 2009 at Libarios, Gabby; Welcome to Paradise (MST Online: July 2006) Preston, Douglas; Creating a Memorable Spa Environment: Sometimes Its the Little Things that Mean the Most! (2008) Spa Signature Website (2008) at Yu, Janine; Satisfying the Senses (April 2009) Online Studies Health Fitness Dynamics Inc; Market Study for Spa-goers (1997); Lubbock Avalanche-Journal