A process that companies undergo to determine the best output and price levels in order to maximize its return. The company will usually adjust influential factors such as production costs, sale prices, and output levels as a way of reaching its profit goal. There are two main profit maximization methods used, and they are Marginal Cost-Marginal Revenue Method and Total Cost-Total Revenue Method. Profit maximization is a good thing for a company, but can be a bad thing for consumers if the company starts to use cheaper products or decides to raise prices.
When a firm applies profit maximization, it is basically saying that its primary focus is on profits, and it will use its resources solely to get the biggest profits possible, regardless of the consequences or the risk involved. Profit maximization is a generally short-term concept. Application usually lasts less than one year, although some companies employ this strategy exclusively, constantly jumping on the next big trend.
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Pursuing a profit maximization strategy comes with the obvious risk that the company may be so entrenched in the singular strategy meant to maximize its profits that it loses everything if the market takes a sudden turn. For example, a company may find that it gets the most profit selling the Wii gaming system, so instead of keeping a balanced inventory, it invests solely in buying Wiis to sell. If the Wii goes out of favor or the makers of the Wii begin to limit the price that can be charged for the system, the company that relied solely on its investment in Wiis could lose everything. Similarly, if a company focuses only on maximizing its profit, it may miss opportunities for investment and expansion.
Expectation and Goodwill
You also need to consider consequences of profit maximization. If a company pursues a profit maximization strategy, it