MS1.2 Data Structures and Algorithms Using C++
Lab – 1 (2 Hrs Real Time) 1.1 Write a C + + program to display any message. 1.2 Sum of digit 1.2.1 Reverse the number 1.2.2 Factorial of a number 1.2.3 Fibonacci series 1.2.4 Armstrong number checking 1.2.5 Prime no checking 1.2.6 Palindrome Checking 1.2.7 Odd or even number. 1.2.8 Perfect number checking. Lab – 2 (2 Hrs Real Time) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Write a program to calculate the following: Find Maximum of N numbers. Find Minimum of N numbers. Find Summation of N numbers. Find Average of N numbers.
Lab – 3 (2 Hrs Real Time) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Write a program to convert the pounds to kilograms using inline function. Write a program to using default arguments. Write a program to give one example for global or external variables. Write a program to give one example for static variables.
Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Data Structures and Algorithms Using C++
Lab – 4 (2 Hrs Real Time) Write a program to do the following: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 String copy String concatenation String Comparison String reverse Find the length of the string String Conversion (Uppercase to Lowercase & Lowercase to Uppercase)
Lab – 5 (2 Hrs Real Time) Write a program for calculating matrices operations: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Transpose of matrices Row wise, column wise & diagonal wise total. Symmetric Checking.
Lab – 6 (2 Hrs Real Time) 6.1 Imagine a tollbooth at a bridge car passing by the booth is expected to apply a fifty-cent tool. Mostly they do, but sometime a car goes by without paying. The tollbooth keeps track of the number of cars that have gone by and of the total amount of money collected. Model this tollbooth with a class called tollbooth. The two data items are a type-unsigned int to hold the total number of cars, and a type double to hold the total amount of money collected. A constructor