1. The two major components of any computer system are its hardware and software.
2. The major computer operations include input, processing, output, and storage.
3. Another term meaning “computer instructions” is software.
4. Visual Basic, C++, and Java are all examples of computer programming languages.
5. A programming language’s rules are its syntax.
6. The most important task of a compiler or interpreter is to translate programming language statements into machine language.
7. Which of the following is a typical input instruction? Get accountNumber
8. Which of the following is a typical processing instruction? pctCorrect = rightAnswers / allAnswers
9. Which of the following is not associated with internal storage? hard disk
10. Which of the following pairs of steps in the programming process is in the correct order? Code the program, translate it into machine language
11. The two most commonly used tools for planning a program’s logic are flowcharts and pseudocode.
12. The most important thing a programmer must do before planning the logic to a program is understand the problem.
13. Writing a program in a language such as C++ or Java is known as coding the program.
14. A compiler would find all of the following programming errors except a newBalanceDue calculated by adding a customerPayment to an oldBalanceDue instead of subtracting it.
15. Which of the following is true regarding data hierarchy? files contain records
16. The parallelogram is the flowchart symbol representing both a and b.
17. Which of the following is not a legal variable name in any programming language? semester grade
18. In flowcharts, the decision symbol is a diamond.
19. The term “eof” represents a generic sentinel value.
20. The two broadest types of data are character and