The progressive relaxation induction is the easiest hypnotic induction. The progressive relaxation hypnosis is simple and reliable, and every hypnotist should learn the progressive relaxation induction.
Progressive relaxation induction is also called the Jacobson relaxation method. The basic progressive muscle relaxation script technique (PMR) is to tense and then relax each muscle group, progressing from the head to the feet, while suggesting deeper relaxation.
Progressive relaxation script is quick to learn and progressive relaxation hypnosis will work with everyone, but sometimes can take a long time to induce trance. With the progressive relaxation induction it can be difficult to tell when to stop the hypnotic induction. Learning the progressive relaxation induction is good practice for beginners, but there are better hypnotic inductions.
Progressive Relaxation Hypnosis Induction …show more content…
and you can become aware that there is a difference between your hands... and I don't know what that difference is .... but you will know... one hand may feel heavier than the other, or one hand may feel warmer, or one hand may start tingling... you can sense a difference of some kind now or maybe later.... and I would like you to allow your unconscious mind to choose one hand... and I don't know how the mind will know... but just let the unconscious mind decide on a hand... don't try to choose or assist in any way.... just let it happen naturally.... and you can be curious as to which hand it will be... and when your mind has chosen one hand I would like you to signal by raising a finger or a thumb of that hand, to show that the hand has been chosen.... so in your own time, now, let your mind choose one hand or the other, and signal by raising a finger or a thumb or maybe the whole hand will move.... just let it happen... and we will move