Joseph Cook From Roosevelt To Wilson In The AThe rge Of Progressivism
I. The Spirit of Progressivism 1) Progressivism's effect on society. A) Political: Fostered a reform movement that sought cures for the problems of city, state, and nation. B) Intellectual: Drew on expertise of the new social sciences and reflected a shift from older absolutes like religion to newer schools of thought relativism and the role of environment on human development. B) Cultural: Inspired fresh modes of expression in dance, film, painting, literature, and architecture.
2) 6 characteristics of Progressivism 1: Progressives acted out of concern about the effects of industrialization and the conditions …show more content…
5: Many drew on a combination of evangelical Protestantism and the natural and social sciences. 6: It touched virtually the whole nation.
3) The Rise of the Professions A) The Professions: Law, Medicine, Religion, Business, Teaching, and Social Work. B) Attracted young men and women. C) Formed a new part of the middle class that earned their wealth through education and work rather than being born into it. D) Began asserting their status by performing professional societies like the AMA, Bar association, and the National Education Association.
4) The Social-Justice Movement A) Ministers, intellectuals, social workers, and lawyers focused national attention on the need for tenement house laws, more stringent child labor laws, and better working conditions for women. B) More interested in social cures than individual charity. C) New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt appointed the New York State Tenement House Commision. D) Social-justice reformers formed the National Conference of Charities and Corrections which became the National Conference of Social Work in …show more content…
6) Woman Suffrage, Women's Rights A) Women played a large roll in the social-justice movement. B) Many national women's organizations furthered the aims of the progressive movement. i.e National Council of Jewish Women, National Congress of Mothers, and the Women's Trade Union League. C) The National Association of Colored Women was the first African American social-service agency. D) Social-justice movement helped pass state laws limiting working hours of women and helped enact child labor laws. **Important people in Woman Suffrage movement: Carrie Chapman Catt, Anna Howard Shaw, Alice Paul, Lucy Burns
7) A Ferment of Ideas: Challenging the Status Quo A) A dramatic shift in ideas became one of the most important forces behind progressive reform. B) A new doctrine called pragmatism emerged in this ferment of ideas. C) A movement grew for "sociological jurisprudence" relating law to social reform rather than legal precedent. D) Socialism grew dramatically before World War I.
II. Reform in the Cities and States
1) Interest Groups and the Decline of Popular