Final project financial management
Enalvis Gomez De Merlano
Project Advisor: Dr. Manuel Christiansen
Universidad Autónoma del Caribe- Campus Miami
Master of in management
Pag-1 portada
Pag-2 Indice
Pag-3 1-Introduction 1. purpose 2. company data
Pag-4 1-3 Major competitors 2- Business Strategy analysis
Pag-5 3- Accounting Analysis
Pag-6 4- Financial Analysis
Pag-7 5- Prospective Analysis 5-1 Apples’s ratios financial.
Pag-8 5-2 Apples’ ratios which competitors
Pag-10 6- Conclusion
Pag-12 7- Appendix
Pag-23 8-Reference
1- Introduction 1-1 Purpose. The following pages include project analyses performed at macro and internal impact levels for determining project feasibility. This report serves as an analysis of a leading company in the computer manufacturing industry. In this report, Apple’s financials are analyzed. These figures are compared to their main competitor. 1-2 Company data: Name: Apple Inc. Founded: April 1.976 Founders: Steve Jobs,Steve Wozniak,Ronald Wayne. Head Office: Cupertino, California. Industry: Computer hardware-Computer software Consumer electronics-Digital distribution. Products: ¡Phone,¡Pad,¡Pod,¡Mac Books and other related hardware and software. Marketing: Direct: retail and online stores. Indirect: resellers & cellular network carries.
1-3 Major competitors: Products: Competitors: PC