Dear respondent,
I m a student of “Bhagwan mahavir college of business administration, surat” conducting a survey for my project preparation, as the requirement of partial fulfilment of subject project in third year(semester-VI) BBA in surat city of a study on “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON BRITANNIA AND PARLE COMPANY IN SURAT CITY (A SURVEY ON BISCUIT )” I assure that the information given by you are strictly used for academic purpose only. I request you to help me in gathering information by filling up yhe following information.
Thank you,
Abhishek sojitra
Bhagwan mahavir business administration
Top of Form
1) Do you eat biscuit? Yes No
2) Select your likely tastes for biscuit?
Sweet Salty Sweet & Salty Cream biscuit
3) What type of biscuit you normally prefer? Branded
Bakery product
4) How often do you eat biscuit?
Once in a week
Once in a month
Once in a fortnight
Alternate days
Every day
5) When do you have biscuit? At breakfast time At evening Any time
6) Which brand you normally buy? Britannia Parle Both Other:
7) From where do you buy biscuit? Provisional store Hawkers Convenience store Other:
8) Out of the following brand which biscuit do you consume? Parle-G Monaco Parle hide & seek Tiger Britannia 50-50 Other:
9) Rate the following variable based on your satisfaction level on britannia
Highly satisfied
Not much satisfied
Not at all satisfied
10) Rate the following variable based on your satisfaction level on parle
Highly satisfied