This is to certify that the project titled “Project Appraisal for working capital and term loan financing” is a bonafide work done by Mr. Nishit Chhabra, enrollment no : 09BSHYD0531, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA program and submitted to IBS, Hyderabad.
I also declare that the project is a result of my own efforts and that has not been copied from anyone.
This work was not submitted earlier to any other university or institute for the award of the degree.
Nishit Chhabra
Place of SIP: New Delhi
It’s a great honor for me to undergo training at PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, NEW DELHI as it gave me an opportunity to get practical exposure in the field of banking and understand the functioning of credit department.
I am deeply indebted to my company guide, MR. SATISH PURI, SENIOR MANAGER, CAD, PNB for his valuable and enlightened guidance and encouragement during the training and who assisted me to a great extent in compilation of this report on PROJECT APPRAISAL FOR WORKING CAPITAL AND TERM LOAN FINANCING. I am extremely grateful to him for giving me an opportunity to work with him and providing me with maximum resources and his valuable time.
I am also thankful to my faculty guide, MR. V. NARENDER, LECTURER, IBS, HYDERABAD who has regularly guided me with his thoughts and given me regular feedbacks about my report and without his help, I would not have been able to shape my report.
Last but not the least, I am also grateful to the MR. MONISH MISHRA who has been of immense help in clearing my queries and preparation of the report.
MBA- 2009-2011 BATCH
Today, banks play a very important role in the economic life of the nation. The health of economy is closely related to the soundness of the banking system. The activities of the banks lead to stronger economic growth of country.
Seeking opportunity for a wide exposure
References: Books used: Book on loan instructions by PNB EHRHARDT & BRIGHAM, 2003. Corporate Finance. Thomson Publications KHAN & JAIN, 2001. Financial Management. III edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications. SUNEJA H.R., 1992. Management of Bank Credit. I edition, Himalaya Publishing House. Websites: Wikipedia, Financial Accountancy: Working Capital. [online]. Available from [accessed 10 April 2010] McKinsey & company, Indian banking 2010. [online]. Available from [ accessed 25 April 2010] Investopedia, Current Liabilities. [online]. Available from [ accessed 12 April 2010] Business dictionary, Operating Cycle. [online]. Available from [accessed 12 April 2010]