The Bacon House
Executive Summary:
The Bacon House will be an exclusive bacon diner and deli. From grabbing bacon for home to sitting down to a bacon feast. The diner will offer all foods to some sort of bacon, while the deli will have every cut and flavor of bacon desired. All butchering will be done on-site. All excess ham will be donated to local homeless shelters and food banks.
Project Governance
Bacon is trendy, so why serve it only for breakfast. We intend to put a stop to that with The bacon house. The Top 10 bacon consuming markets in the US are:
1. New York, NY
2. Los Angeles, CA
3. San Antonio/Corpus Christi, TX
4. Baltimore/Washington D.C
5. Chicago, IL
6. Philadelphia, PA
7. Houston, TX
8. South Carolina
9. Fort Worth, TX
10. Atlanta, GA
Each year in the US more than 1.7 billion pounds of bacon are consumed for food service.
More than 2 billion pounds of bacon is produced in in the US each year.
One 200lb pig produces 20lbs of bacon
The average piece of bacon is 1 oz.; 32 billion pieces of bacon were consumed in the US alone
In 2012 bacon dollar sales increased by 4.7% to $2.5 billion
69% of all food service operators serve bacon
Bacon and eggs are eaten together 71% of the time
Bacon accounts for 19% of all the pork eaten at the home
Bacon consumption occurs 59% on the weekdays and 41% on weekends
People over the age of 34 make up most of the bacon consumption
More than half of all the homes 53% keep bacon on hand at all times
The Bacon House will be a place that will welcome everybody, from the first time bacon tasters to the experienced palate bacon eater. We will have a diner up front and a deli in the back where you can pick up your favorite cut of pork and take it home and prepare it yourself.
We would like to build these destination diners within the major metropolitan areas. We need a diner and deli area big enough to house 500 customers for dining in, and 100 deli patrons,