Bazula Blanche Likute
26 Maple Grove, 1 Ringwood Drive/
Parklands/Milnerton, 7441.
The aim of this paper is to talk about the impact of human resource management in the information technology project.
The different project human resource management’s processes which are human resource planning, acquiring the project team, developing the project team and managing the project team will be discussed. The role of the project manager among human resource will be elaborated on. The key principles of managing people will be examined. The different tools to manage human resources project effectively will be talked about and the tools and used for efficient project human resource management will be explained.
Project human resource management, project, human resource, project manager, team members, tools and techniques and management
People are the most important asset of the organization because they determine the success or failure of the project being done. The human resources policies and deliveries play big roles by influencing the processes of human resources management. Many factors such as lack of communication, lack of skills, delegation of tasks to wrong people are causing failure of project. Human resources need to be managed by a good project manager that will lead them to the success of the project.
1 Definition
Project human resource management is a management of project and human resource by making the most effective use of the people involved with a project in order to get successful deliverables. It includes processes that are discussed below
Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Human resource management revolves around the management of labour, a resource that is applied as one of the production factors to achieve the objective of the enterprise.
Human resources are all
References: [1] Haughey D, PMP: the Role of the Project Manager, Retrieved September, 17, 2009 from [2] Ista B, Project Manager: Role and skills, Retrieved September, 17, 2009, from [3] Importance of Human Resources in Software Projects, January, 25, 2007, Retrieved September, 17, 2009 from [4] Mishra S, PM World Today: Human Resource Management in Project, July, 2007, Retrieved August, 25, 2009 from [5] Schawalbe K, 2007, Information Technology Project Management: Project Human Resource Management, 5 th Edition, (361-365). 6] Cronje J, Du Toit GS, Mol AJ, Motlatla M, Van Reeneen, 2004, Introduction to business management, Fourth Edition.