Forecasting Looking into the future. (inflation costs, li il materjal kull sena jola To determine probable opportunities (hu hsieb xed timla fit tender) Preparation (chances and eventualities) Note: In sat a alder fen (aqta il g) Predict risks(wheater, sick leave, x’se nghamel? Kif se ngib iktar nies…imp to consider in tender)
Planning Amel tasks to establish …goal Define method and resource (WBS) Note: IMP first wbs , then those 3 below Method of planning (scope(touristic places..cafeteria), schedule, budget) -Duration of each activity Method – resource – duration – sequence Duration of activity is calculated (100sqm x 1hrsqm)/2men Two types of planning: long term (Gannt chart), short term (phase planning e.g. sular sular,calculate material, men], monthly [what will I complete by end of the month], weekly, daily) Organising To form a whole systemize set of admin structure e.g. job description, responsibilities, order of works, procuring of resources and timing of supplies and quantities. (suppliers antikwati SI units…; trid iccempel minn qabel ma tiltaq fkaz ta ordni) Controlling Monitoring (go on site to see whats up) e.h. to prevent misunderstanding of works bhal nesa xi tieqa) Sanitary Laws, Knowing what is happening (turi kemm int professional) Administration techniques making best use of resource. (jekk emm bzonn 100 gakkijiet, mhux itellalek 150) Ghax jiehu hafna hin biex itellalek 3 sulari
Reduce waste (travu 13 il pid, u hadlek 6 piedi, is 7 pid fadlu) Control progress Material, labour, plant no surpluses, no waste
Coordinating Moves towards same goal Runs smoothly to obtain successful results (no on site problems) Policies put into practice (respect authorities, company policies)
Motivation Finding the interest the most appropriate to the individual/team With which will be encourage to advance (tobatx shutterer, steal fixer) Training(experienced once)
Plant The use of proper plant -increase the production output -requires less