1.1 Initiation and scope
Project brief
Project title
Develop and deliver presentation for clients about real estate ethical standards.
Project purpose
As a purpose of this project Max Lionel Realty (MLR) wants to built a customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethnical obligations. In order to achieve that the company will:
-Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations in relation of WHS and anti-discrimination legislation; and any standards or codes of conduct by the organization.
-Promote high standards in promotional conduct by legislation and vision of the company.
-Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of company’s commitments.
-Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Background and strategic context
As previous needs analysis we base this project on uncovered by start date from characteristics and requirements of Residential and Commercial Agents and Clients.
-Time poor
-they are highly trained and competent in selling and managing
-They are unaware of legal and ethical requirement
-Agents don’t have a clear idea about company’s strategic aims
-They are cultural diverse, which means we have to visualize all cultural aspects
-Clients don’t understand why they have to pay attention to Max Lionel Realty
-They don’t have too much time
-They don’t have any idea about the commitments and obligations of MLR
-Different cultural backgrounds
-Thinking about is agent obligation rent they properties according with owner wishes
-In several occasions agents have been rude with attendants
-Reckon they are not adequately consulted
-Sometimes inspections are not unannounced
All these characteristics are must be followed as a referent to focus the project.
This project must push company Max Lionel Realty to a goodwill and show that company will complete on an appropriate way the