Monitoring is the regular observation and recording of activities taking place in a project or programme. It is a process of routinely gathering information on all aspects of the project.
To monitor is to check on how project activities are progressing. It is observation; ─ systematic and purposeful observation.
Monitoring also involves giving feedback about the progress of the project to the donors, implementers and beneficiaries of the project.
Reporting enables the gathered information to be used in making decisions for improving project performance.
Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysis of information as a project progresses.
It is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a project or organisation. It is based on targets set and activities planned during the planning phases of work. It helps to keep the work on track, and can let management know when things are going wrong. If done properly, it is an invaluable tool for good management, and it provides a useful base for evaluation. It enables you to determine whether the resources you have available are sufficient and are being well used, whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and whether you are doing what you planned to do
Purpose of Monitoring:
Monitoring is very important in project planning and implementation.
It is like watching where you are going while riding a bicycle; you can adjust as you go along and ensure that you are on the right track.
Monitoring provides information that will be useful in: • Analyzing the situation in the community and its project; • Determining whether the inputs in the project are well utilized; • Identifying problems facing the community or project and finding solutions; • Ensuring all activities are carried out properly by the right people and in time; • Using lessons from one project experience on to another; and • Determining whether the way the project was planned is the