Project Definition
The correct and complete definition of all reasonably foreseeable elements of a proposed project is the single most important element of the CEQA compliance process. Defining the Project CEQA applies to all “discretionary projects.” The term discretionary refers to situations in which a governmental agency can exercise its judgment in deciding whether and how to approve or carry out a project. The term project refers to the whole of an action that has the potential, directly or ultimately, to result in a physical change to the environment (CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 http://ceres.ca.gov/topic/env_law/ceqa/guidelines/art20.html). This includes all phases of a project that are reasonably foreseeable, and all related projects that are directly linked to the project. For the University of California, typical projects that could have a significant effect on the environment include capital construction projects, LRDPs, leases, acquisition of property, substantial changes in the use of facilities, and series of actions such as seismic renovation or asbestos removal. Real estate transactions such as leases and acquisitions of property may be considered projects that could have a significant effect on the environment. The proposed location for the project is also essential as it is frequently the site of a project that determines the type, intensity and extent of the environmental impacts. There must also be a rational, documented process for site selection among alternative sites. The Time to Define a Project Within the University of California, the Project Planning Guide (PPG) (UC CEQA Handbook, Appendix B) is the document that describes the proposed capital improvement project. Project definitions should include a description of the policy objective(s) to be served by the proposed project and a general description of the project itself. The project description should include detail