Volume 10, 2013
Project Management Principles Applied in
Academic Research Projects
Pollyana Notargiacomo Mustaro & Rogério Rossi
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, SP, Brazil pollyana.mustaro@mackenzie.br rossirogerio@hotmail.com
The achievement of academic research involves a series of steps and activities that must be managed in order to avoid delays, development problems (due to unforeseen risks) and even monitoring (which involves the work of the Advisor). Aiming to contribute to project development for academic research, this paper presents some principles of project management considering project management theories and also presenting many frameworks on this area. The PMBoK (Project
Management Body of Knowledge) developed by the PMI (Project Management Institute) is presented in more details because it was used to define part of main specific proposals of this paper.
Two (Initiating and Planning Process Groups) from the five process groups defined by the framework are presented and also their correlation to academic projects. This is relevant to formalize all activities and artifacts during an academic project. Besides that, the Knowledge Areas
(KA) defined by the framework are also presented in details. The relationship between these KA's and the Initiating and Planning Process Groups are discussed in a viewpoint of academic research stakeholders. Specifics templates by KA are proposed to be used in this kind of projects and to support the student's academic journey conducted by an Advisor.
Keywords: Project Management Theory, Academic Research Activities, Academic Research
Projects, Advisoring Process, PMI, PMBoK.
One of the challenges faced by students that are involved in the acquisition of an academic degree, as Higher Education or a PhD., are related to the difficulties of development of a Academic
Research Project. Such challenges