NCP-21 Management in Organization
Scope of work: Construction of Housing Colony consists of 10 Bungalows for senior executives, 20 Apartments in five buildings, 100 dwellings for white collar workers and 300 dwellings for blue collared workers. Colony will have market and entertainment complex.
Key Functions The key function of construction Project: Planning & Scheduling: Planning involves formulation of a number of alternative realistic work plans for achieving specified objectives. Finally selecting a plan which is best suited from the stand-point of available resources and constraints imposed upon the project. Scheduling is fitting of the final work plan in to a time scale. It shows the duration and order of various construction activities. Organizing: Organizing is concerned with division of total project in to manageable departments/sections and systematically arranging various operations by delegating specific task to individuals. Staffing: Organising involves division of project work into section and staffing is the provision of people to fill the position so created. Directing: The directing function is concerned with the training to the subordinate to carry out assigned task, supervising their work and guiding their efforts. The essence of directing lies in the ability to motivate people individually and as groups. Controlling: Controlling is necessary for ensuring effective and efficient working. It involves constant review of the work plan to check on actual achievement and to discover and to rectify deviations through appropriate corrective measures. Co-ordinating: Since authority coverage to the top of the organizational pyramid, it is necessary to bring together and coordinate the work of various department and sections. This requires an efficient system of communication so that each