Due: 12-8-2013
Project Description
This project requires research imagination, and logic in applying the content of this course and book.
Go to Chapter 4 and pick Case Study# 2 titled “The Wedding” It starts at page 132. This case study will continue in Chapters 5 through 8. You will follow every step and answer questions in a presentation format.
Project Requirements
Assignment Due: This project assignment should be uploaded to the course ASSIGNMENTS no later than Midnight, 12-8-2013
General Instructions: This is an optional group OR individual assignment. You have an option to do this assignment on your own or become part of the group. If you want to be in a group, go ahead and email me. If not, let me know that you will handle it individually. Either ways, I need to hear from you. However, once you make that decision and notify me, there is no going back. You will be held responsible for your decision. I will not hear any excuses about group members not participating or getting along.
If you do partner up, the group will meet within chat rooms, via discussion board, in-person and email and decide how you will complete this assignment. Real time meetings (i.e. IM) are allowed if agreed upon by all group members. I suggest you exchange contact information (email, phone number) as soon as your groups are formed. You will need to document group meeting days, times, and team members present. Designate a member of the group (preferably rotate this duty) and email this information to me via the course email.
There will be two deliverables for this project: (I need both files)
1) A report using Microsoft Word (details under Report Format below)
2) A Microsoft Project file (details under Project Guideline below)
Report Format:
Your report should be 6-8 pages typed and double-spaced (not including cover sheet and references). You should use 12 pt, Times New Roman font. You can use charts, graphs,