The “Now” Wedding—Part A
This is a great case for a class exercise. Students enthusiastically enter into the case and have fun.
The case can be used several ways. First, the case can be used as a small team/group assignment. Second, the case can be used as suggested in the text—as an in-class exercise.
Starting with the yellow sticky approach will get you past the many differences of opinion on how the network is developed. Careful reading of the case should bring the group around to the network suggested in the attached exhibits.
Development of the original network suggests that the wedding cannot make the January 21 deadline. It would take until January 26 and be too late for Connor’s ship out date of January 30.
However, two tasks can be shortened at an additional cost and the deadline reached. * Activity 8, Order material, can be cut from 8 days to 5 days at a cost of only $20. * Activity 11, Sew dress, can be cut from 11 days to 9 days at a cost of $96 ($48x2).
Activity 16, Mail invitations, must go out 10 days before the wedding. * Reduce Activity 12, Order and receive invitations, from 7 days to 6 days. The cost is $20. * Reduce Activity 13, Address invitations, from 3 days to 1 day. The cost is $80 ($40x2).
Total costs = $216
The deadlines are met. The wedding can take place January 21 and have a seven-day honeymoon. Connor can leave on January 30.
The “Now” Wedding—Part B
Part B presents some unknown risk events. Given these events, students will attempt to shorten Activity 11 and revise durations for Activity 7 and 12.
* Activity 11, Sew dress. Cut from 9 to 6 days at a cost of $144 ($48 x 3). * Activity 7, Guest list. Add 3 days for the flu. Now duration is 7 days. * Activity 12, Order and receive invitations. Add 1 day for press breakdown; now the duration is 7 days.
1. Can the wedding take place on January 21? If not what options are available?