The Skills, Knowledge, and Personal Characteristics of Superior Performers in this Job
In a High Technology Organization
Developed by Workitect, Inc. For XYZ* Company
*This is an actual project for a real company whose name, represented throughout this document by a blank line ( ________ ), is confidential.
Sections I. Overview of the Competencies by Cluster II. Competencies with Definitions and Behaviors III. Overview of Most Important Responsibilities of Project Managers IV. Description of Most Important Responsibilities with Performance Criteria and Required Competencies V. Links between Main Responsibilities and Competencies VI. Technical and Organizational Knowledge Requirements VII. Recommendations on Ensuring that Project Managers Have the Competencies Required of Superior Performers 3 4 9 9 13 14 15
Edward Cripe 954-938-5370
©2010, Workitect, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be altered, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
Project Manager Competency Model
I. Task Management
II. People Management
III. Communication and Influence
1. Diagnostic Information Gathering: The tendency to seek information from a variety of sources and in a variety of ways, to clarify situations and to facilitate effective planning, decision making, and problem solving. 2. Analytical Thinking: The ability to develop and implement a logical approach to a problem, by breaking it down into parts and considering each part in a systematic way. 3. Results Orientation: The tendency to keep the desired end result of one’s own or one’s unit’s work clearly in mind, by setting goals and focusing on them tenaciously until they are achieved. 4. Attention to Detail: A concern for ensuring that work and information are