International Journal of Project Management 31 (2013) 889 – 902 Project managers and career models: An exploratory comparative study
Karin Bredin a , Jonas Söderlund b,⁎ a Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden b BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Prior research has paid little attention to the careers and career models of project managers. This is troublesome for at least two reasons. First, project managers are becoming an increasingly important category of managers and today they constitute a major part of many organizations ' leadership capability.
Second, traditional literature on careers generally does not address project-based careers as a specific case in point, although this kind of career is unique in the sense that it is based on temporary assignments and lack of formal positions. The research presented in this paper identifies and explains patterns of similarities and differences among applied career models in ten large, mature project-intensive firms in Sweden. The paper identifies a number of factors that seem to be critical for the design of career models for project managers, including the number of levels, the complexity of assignments, and the degree of formal requirements. The paper also outlines two archetypes of career models applied by the firms under study: the competence strategy model and the talent management model.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Career; Career model; Project manager
1. Introduction
1.1. Project-based work, project-based careers
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