All the acclamation and appreciation is for Almighty Allah the most merciful, gracious and beneficent who is entire source of all the knowledge and wisdom endowed to mankind. All the prayers forever in the name of Almighty Allah, who helped us in setting goals and objectives and blessed us to reach the destination. Without His assistance none is capable of accomplishment.
We would be doing injustice without mentioning the name of the person who helps us throughout the semester and made us understand the major concepts of entrepreneurship, who worked day and night in making our projects the ones to be remembered. So our special thanks go to Prof. Rasheed Khalid.
Heartiest gratitude and compliments to our Parents, without their continuous love and encouragement we could not complete this task and in the end we would like to thanks our worthy teachers without them we want be able to complete this task. The Project in your hand is the collection of our observation and research.
The source of information for the preparation of project include a thorough research conducted on the internet, information obtained from the Lahore Chamber of Commerce, and prestigious private schools of Lahore, Islamabad and Faisalabad to know the basic requirements.
I. Executive Summary
A. The Opportunity
Need to be filled
As parents grow ever more mindful of their children 's educational development, they 're increasingly turning summer camp (once the far-off site of canoe races and nature walks) into yet another learning experience. Their center of attention these days is to equip their children with skills such as Social Development including Leadership skills, Communication skills and Participation. For which summer camp is a perfect place.
Studying continuously for so long, children become fed up of their daily routines and the burden of the home works. They don’t get time to even think of some other activities of their interest and that’s the