The project has been under taken under as the part of master of business administration course as per the direction of Karnataka university dharwad. The second year MBA students will take part in this project were the summer inplant project for the period of two months and the project is related to finance and the topic of this project is “The study of working capital management” The Gadag co-operative textile mill ltd established in 1972 by late shri.K.H.Patil at Hulkoti in Gadag district. It is producing main product as yarn. The company started with a production cost of RS.220lakhs.It is started producing yarn in the year 1973. A G.C.T.M has an arrangement of different department of the dependent parts of functions and their interrelation in the structure form to provide the necessary efforts of groups of individuals will be directed towards a common objective. So as to identify the problems of such a title and give suggestions and conclusions. In addition to this concept studying the over all organization role of different department functions of their respective departments, procedures and policies.
The project is mainly focuses on the industry profile, company profile, SWOT analysis, annual report and about working capital and ratios. this project studies different department at the Gadag co-operative textile mill ltd. The functions of each department and the organization in the company along with it covers the duties and responsibilities of all the staff members type of decision making followed by the mill and it also includes quality policy export oriented unit etc of the mill.
Title of the study
“To study on working capital management” at The Gadag Co-operative Textile Mill Ltd. Hulkoti”
1) To study the working capital management.
2) To know the sources of working capital.
3) To study the different components of working