The project report should be organised as follows:
A certificate that “the report represents their original work and does not contain any material that has been taken from any source, except as acknowledged” is required. This should be signed by all the authors of the report.
• Cover page: Project title, team members’ names and roll numbers, course, date of submission. The Institute’s logo should not be used anywhere in the report.
• Abstract or executive summary, not exceeding one page.
• Names of those who helped the team and the nature of the help. Do not include your instructor.
• The report should cover the following aspects.
• Introduction to the sample firm. Why was (were) the firm (s) selected? Identify any features of the sample firm(s) as mentioned in the proposal. Provide an overview of the industry. What was the study period? What are the data sources?
• The following aspects can be organised in more than one chapter where necessary, to make the material more readable: Analysis of financial statements: Focus on the following, but do cover other matters where necessary.
─ sales growth over time: Comment on trends, if any
─ Profitability: Du Pont analysis: Where does profitability come from? volume? margin? Relate the analysis to the firm 's business. What is the cost structure? Is there a preponderance of fixed costs? What will happen to profits if sales increase or decrease significantly? In other words, what is the operating risk inherent in the firm 's business?
─ Comment on liquidity: Can the firm meet its short-term obligations? Are inventories piling up? Is this good or bad? Increase in inventories would be good if demand is expected to pick up in the coming quarter/year. Are debtors moving in line with sales? Is there a change in the percentage of receivables? What does it mean?
─ Comment on the overall debt level of the firm. Does the firm have excessive debt? How is the debt
References: (both inclusive). In the case of material taken from the Internet, the URL should be given. The maximum length of the report is 20 pages (excluding any relevant extracts and analysis templates appended). The report should be in 1.5 line space, Times New Roman font size 12, printed on both sides in A4 size paper and suitably bound. The report should be functional; graphics and unnecessary diagrams should be avoided. Before the deadline specified in the course outline, one hard copy of the report should be submitted in person to my office and the soft copy (one zip file) should be copied to my G drive, the directory name is "project report submissions." The file should be named as follows: firm name (separated by _ if there is more than one firm) followed by the first name of all team members (separated by _). DO NOT GIVE GENERAL FILE NAMES, SUCH AS PROJECT REPORT, FINAC PROJECT, ETC.